- If you have never lived in a condominium community before, check out the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page. You should also read the “Condo 101” section in the 2025 Fenmore Resident Information Handbook (pg 4). Unlike a single-owner rental building, a condominium community can have multiple owners and landlords and the Handbook and FAQ page explain the different responsibilties and how to handle and report maintenance issues to the right party. The common areas of the Fenmore are managed by Lundgren Management (617-887-3333).
Building Access – Instead of metal keys the Fenmore now uses an electronic security system that allows residents to use their Bluetooth
enabled mobile device (smart phone) to gain access to the buildings and laundry rooms.
By tapping the upper right corner of the intercom screen, visitors can access a building directory. The Resident Directory alphabetically lists each resident’s last name, first initial and unit number. The visitor can scroll to your name and tap it to ring your phone. When you verify who the person is, you can then release the front door(s) by pressing “9” on your phone. Rear doors and laundry rooms have simpler “Read Only” sensors for residents only. Only last names are listed on the directories so be sure expected vistors know your LAST name. If you do not have a phone that will run the app, contact Lundgren for other options.
The intercoms are an important part of the Fenmore’s security systems, For your own and your neighbor’s safety, do not admit a caller that you do not know.
- In order for you to receive mail you must be listed on your building’s mailbox directory and your name must be printed clearly on a label at the top rear of the mailbox. To be listed on your buildings mailbox directory you must register either online or via the downloadable PDF (see above). Go to the Mailbox Memo to see how to place the label in the mailbox.
- Your building has a laundry in its basement which your building key fob will allow you access to. The new washers and dryers can be monitored from your computer or smart phone; go to the Laundry Room page for details. For other helpful tips on using the washers and dryers, go to Laundry Tips. Clothes left in the laundry room for more than 24 hours will also be removed and discarded.
- The elevators are over 100 years old; do NOT overload them. When loading, stack items outside the elevator (leaving room for people to pass in the hallway), then load as quickly as possible. When unloading, stack items in the hall (again leaving space to pass) as quickly as possible and close the doors so others may use it. Do not attempt to open the doors before the carriage comes to a complete stop. Opening the door too soon can cause the carriage to become stalled between floors — knocking it out of service and possibly trapping you inside. When exiting the elevators, please close both doors completely or the elevators will not work for the next call.
- There are NO “balconies” at the Fenmore. Fire escapes, which include the wrought iron grill-work between windows and the “wells” above the front entrances, must be kept clear at all times and not used for any other purpose (storage, sunbathing, etc.). Roof doors are alarmed and access is prohibited except in emergencies. If you hear a roof alarm, notify Lundgren Management, 617-887-3333, immediately.
- Trash must be discarded in the dumpster in the parking lot (recycled items go in the blue bins) and not stored in the hallways, even for a short period. For much more information on disposal of trash and recycling, consult the Trash and Recycling section of the Fenmore Handbook.
- No items may be stored in common areas, even for a short time; they will be removed and discarded. Bicycles may not be left in the common areas, inside or outside the building (including sidewalks), even temporarily. Bicycles locked to any interior or exterior handrails will be removed. We have bicycle rooms in the basements for storage. Devices powered by lithium-ion batteries (scooters, bicycles, skateboards, etc.) are not allowed to be stored anywhere on the property.
- WiFi/Cable TV– The Fenmore does have a free legacy Wi-Fi system which would show up on your computer or phone as “Fenmore Condominium WiFi.” However, it is an old system, with limited capacity, and is no longer supported. The password is “lundgren.” Much higher speed Wi-Fi is available from Comcast⁄Xfinity (for a fee) and it can be bundled with cable TV service. Verizon may also offer internet service through existing telephone lines, but they have also stopped supporting the infrastructure. Another option recently added to the Fenmore is Starry (https://starry.com/) which uses the existing (coaxial) cable TV wires. Bear in mind that your unit must have been previously wired for the service you want to sign up for. No new wires⁄cables may be run through common areas (hallways, stairways, etc.) or on the exterior of the buildings without prior permission of the management. Wires that are improperly installed in common areas may be removed without notice.
- Noise that disturbs your neighbors will not be tolerated. All noise and music must be kept within the confines of your apartment. Consult the “Getting Along With Your Neighbors” section of the Fenmore Handbook (pg 8).
- There is a very strict fining policy for residents who violate the condominium rules and regulations. For a copy of the rules consult the Fenmore Resident Information Handbook (pgs. 18–21).
- The Fenmore Maintenance Office is located in the basement of the 64 Charlesgate East building. Office hours are 8:00 am to 4:30 am Mon-Fri. To contact the Maintenance Office call 617-424-8235. When leaving a voicemail: Please speak clearly and leave as many details as possible (your name, your phone number, detailed description of problem, all apartment numbers involved, etc.). The maintenance staff will help in any way they can, but generally, if a problem exists inside your apartment, you should contact the owner of your unit.